Refund Policy

Detailed Rules and Regulations

Secure shopping

1. Goods return or exchange is acceptable with 7 days. If the product quality problem lies in manufacturing defects, buyers may exchange the 

same item with 7 days relying on the invoice. It should noticed that the product to be exchanged should be well packaged and is only 

limited to exchanging of the same model. 

2. One years’ warranty period. If the goods is proved to have some manufacturing defects (including cracking, spalling of the glaze, cold or 

hot-resistance) rather than artificial damage, then buyers may exchange the same model or ceramic tiles of the same price within one year 

relying on the invoice free of charge, yet the maintenance fee is not included. 

3. Once the company failed to supply the goods ordered by the buyers, then all the payment will be refunded back without charging of any 


Goods delivery and checking for acceptance

1.     Once the goods arrive, buyers should check the notes and goods for acceptance in front of the deliveryman. Our company will not be responsible for any missing or damaged item which was found later.

2.     Buyers who did not pick up the goods within one month after the payment, then the goods payment shall be canceled.

3.     Delivery fee shall be paid by our company, including the transportation to the doorstep. Yet any expenses caused by going upstairs for the delivery shall be assumed by the buyers. 

4.     Buyers who want to pick up the goods personally may get the goods at the dock without payment of any expenses. Or our company can also arrange the delivery being requested by the buyers, and the buyers shall be responsible for the expenses. 

5.     Goods delivery can be arranged for replenishment more than 2 boxes and the buyer shall pay the shipping cost. For replenishment less than 2 boxes, buyers may pick up the goods at our company within 3 days. Otherwise, the deposit will be in valid. 

6.     Our company is free from any responsibility caused by environmental difficulties (such as no channel for goods delivery, steep slope that the van cannot pass and thus need manpower conveyance, or only specific van is accessible). Buyers shall be responsible for any additional cost generated, and shall not request any refund of the deposit or exchange of other items. 

7.     Our company will deliver the goods as appointed. Once there is no receiver or no settlement for the rest payment by cash or cheque, then our company will charge the expenses for re-delivery and going-upstairs. The delivery cost will be calculated based on our company’s freight list. 

8.     Cost for going-upstairs for delivery: if there is lift reaching the buyers’ location and stairs have less than 3 steps, then the cost shall be calculated as lift delivery; once the stairs has 3-12 steps, then the cost shall be calculated as one floor-conveyance delivery; Once there are steps after taking the lift, then the cost shall be calculated as lift delivery plus stair conveyance delivery.

9.     Before opening the box, please check the item number, size, color number etc., if there is inconformity, please notice our company for exchange. Once the tiles are paved, then our company will not be responsible for any problems occurring consequently. 

10.   Good checking for acceptance is required before entering the dock (at the unloading location) for island district delivery or oversea delivery. Our company shall not be responsible for any disputes or report launched later.

Return of goods

1. Goods to be returned is limited to 10% of the total order amount (calculated by each item), we only accept the return of goods at the original packaging box. Overdue goods, replenishment, bulk cargo, moisture goods, goods at bargain price, sell-up, set meal, customization based on in-coming samples and used goods are not exchanged or refundable. 

2. If there is any remaining goods after use to be returned to the company within a month at complete package (a full box) , the buyers shall send back the goods to the company, and then enjoy a refund of 50% of the purchase price. It should be noticed that no refund for set meal. 

 (If any disputes occur, the Chinese explanation shall prevail)



1. 購物保障, 七天更換, 如產品質量問題乃出廠缺點, 顧客於購物七天內憑發票更換相同型號之貨品, 但更換貨品必須其包裝完整, 並只限更換同型號之貨品.

2. 一年保用期, 如產品質量被証實乃出廠缺點(包括: 龜裂, 釉面剝落, 耐冷, 耐熱). 而非人為損壞, 該產品由收貨日起, 一年內憑發票由敝司免費更換同一型號或同等

價值之磁磚, 不包括維修費用.

3. 貴客訂購之貨品, 如本司未能如數供應, 當照單十足退貨款, 絕不收任何費用.


1. 貨品送到貴處, 請在送貨員面前核對單據及驗收, 事後錯漏或破爛, 怒不負責.

2. 貴客訂貨, 交來貨款, 一個月後, 不提貨者, 貨款作廢, 不得異議.

3. 送貨費用, 包括到貴客樓下車邊交貨. 如需上樓費用由客人自理.

4. 客人訂購之產品, 如需自行提取, 客人需到碼頭提貨, 但無需支付任何碼頭費用. 如委托敞司安排送貨, 費用由客人支付.

5. 客人補貨超出2盒需安排送貨, 支付運費或上樓費. 少於2盒可在本公司內取, 須3天內提貨. 逾期不取訂金作廢.

6. 本公司不負責任何因環境而導致送貨困難之責任(如未能提供可送貨的通道, 或斜坡太斜車輛不能進入需改用人手搬運, 

或需指定的車輛才能進入). 需額外運費, 顧客自付, 顧客不得要求退還訂金及不得更換其它商品.

7. 本公司按約實時間送貨, 如無人收取或無現金或無支票-支付尾數, 本公司會另收一次運費及上樓費. 運費會根據本公司的運費表


8. 上樓費: 有電梯直達客人場地, 而大門口少於3級樓梯, 則按有電梯計算. 如多於3級樓梯少於12级樓梯, 則按搬樓梯1層計算, 如

此類推, 如上電梯再轉行樓梯級, 則按電梯+搬樓梯級計算.

9. 開箱前, 請核對產品貨品編號, 呎碼, 顏色編號, 如有不同, 則需通知本公司更換. 否則己鋪用後出現的問題, 本公司不負責以後的


10. 離島區或海外船運必須在碼頭入閘前(卸貨地點)驗收. 事後如有任何投訴. 本公司恕不負責.

三. 退貨

1. 所有退貨均須依照貨量之10%為限(以每個項目計), 只接受原盒退回, 逾期, 補貨, 散貨, 濕水, 特價, 售罄, 來樣訂造及使用過的

貨品, 均不作退貨.

2. 客人使用後剩餘之貨品, 必須在一個月內, 包裝完整(整箱), 及客人需自行將貨品送回敞司後, 再按購買價5折退款. 套餐不設退


 (如有任何爭議, 以中文解釋為准)