
Our ideals and business philosophy

Beautifully designed homes, everyone has different dreams. Taste, need and budget are factors we consider. Therefore, from the very beginning, we have done the opposite, with the concept of “providing the public with fashionable and attractive and practical tile decoration products” as our business philosophy it is not difficult to procure beautiful and expensive tiles. But choosing a stylish, beautiful and durable tile with a low price is not an easy task. To find simple, creative, and cost-effective home furnishings, we rely on working with you.

Of course, we will do our duty first, that is the operating cost of the upstairs shop is lower than the cost of the market shop and then the factory will directly deliver the goods to our users, eliminating retail expenses and consumption is more affordable. Therefore, we can cooperate with us, let’s save money and create a better life together.

(Lassen’s entrepreneurial idea in 2002)

Guest support

We have a great deal of customer support and are complimented on satisfaction after use. On behalf of customers: Gammon construction ltd., Synergis ltd., G2000, LUKS Group, Ulferts, U2,… 


We review each product, down to its packaging, to ensure that we continuously provide the best in both quality and design.Our selection of products are designed and best quality.

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Newspaper -900x923
金門建築-採用板岩磁磚鋪露台, 陸氏實業-全新酒店工程, 新昌-採用防滑磁磚為龍門居翻新工程.  G2000, Ulferts, U2商舖裝修.
大量設計裝修工程公司, Home interior design, Interior Design HK均有購萊森磁磚.
